René van der Linden

Born in Eys-Wittem, Netherlands, on 14 December 1943
Married, three children
Economics: international administrative studies
Catholic Economics Faculty in Tilburg (1966-1970)
Present and previous main functions
Member of the First Chamber (Senate) of the States-General of the Netherlands (from 1999)
President of the Committee for European cooperation of the First Chamber of the States-General (since 2002)
Member of the Second Chamber of the States-General of the Netherlands (1977-1986 and 1988-1998)
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs with responsibility for European Affairs (1986-1988)
Member of the cabinet of European Commissioner Pierre Lardinois (1973-1977) and European Commissioner Henk Vredeling (1977)
Civil servant, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Netherlands (1971-1973)
Teacher of economics (1969)
Other posts currently held
President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) (since 24 January 2005)
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) member (since 1989)
Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Western European Union (WEU)
Member of the executive board of the Dutch employers’ confederation
Board member of Kerk en Nood (Church and Need)
Chairman of the Maastricht School of Management (since 1999)
Board member of several associations in the agricultural sector
Party political posts
Chairperson of EPP/CD group in the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) (1999-2005) and vice-chairperson (1989-1999)
Second vice-chairperson of the Christian Democratic political group, CDA, Second Chamber of the States-General of the Netherlands (1982-1986)
Member of the party executive of the CDA
Member of the party executive of the former Catholic Popular Party, KVP, and vice-chairman of the KVP youth section
Other posts previously held
Chairperson of the Netherlands delegation to PACE (2003-2005)
Delegated representative of the First Chamber of the States-General of the Netherlands to the Convention on the Future of the European Union
Patron of Stichting Lisboa, homeless children in Portugal (1995)
Chairman of the advisory committee of the national school of translators and interpreters, Rijkshogeschool Opleiding tolk-vertaler (1990)
Adviser to Combined Chambers of Commerce in Limburg (1989 and 1992)
Member of Consultative Interparliamentary Benelux Council (1977-1986)
Board member of the Netherlands Organisation for international assistance, NOVIB
President of several cultural foundations
Philippine Congressional Medal of Achievement (2005)
Holy order of St Gregorius the Great (2004)
Commander Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (2004)
Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau (1998)
Knight in the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands (1988)