Sessions et commissions permanentes précédentes

Années 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2018Retour au sommaire 6. Quatrième partie (8-12 octobre) 5. Troisième partie (25-29 juin) 4. Commission permanente (Zagreb, 1 juin 2018) 3. Deuxième partie (23-27 avril) 2. Commission permanente (Paris, 16 mars 2018) 1. Prémière partie (22-26 janvier) 2017Retour au sommaire 7. Commission permanente (Copenhague, 24 novembre 2017) … Read more

Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs News Rules Committee proposes to strengthen PACE’s decision-making process on credentials and voting 20/09/2018 Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs The Committee on Rules of Procedure proposes to amend some of the Assembly’s Rules on challenges to the credentials of national delegations, including as regards the majorities … Read more

The Parliamentary Campaign to End Immigration Detention of Children

The situation: Europe continues to be faced with unprecedented numbers of migrants seeking protection. Migrant children are the most vulnerable group, whether they are arriving with their families or as unaccompanied minors. A worrying number of them end up in administrative detention as a result of existing immigration laws and policies. In detention facilities they … Read more

The Gender Equality Prize

The Gender Equality Prize is awarded by the President of the Assembly in recognition of completed or current action, schemes or initiatives by political parties that have significantly improved women’s participation in elected assemblies or political parties, or in their respective executive bodies. Any political group of the Parliamentary Assembly, the European Parliament and the … Read more

De nombreux parlementaires en Europe sont habilités à visiter des centres de rétention administrative pour migrants en situation irrégulière et demandeurs d’asile au titre de leur mandat national. Une étude menée par l’Assemblée parlementaire a montré que ce droit n’était pas toujours connu ni pleinement exploité par les parlementaires. La Commission des migrations, des réfugiés … Read more

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