At 35 weeks, after 9 weeks of bed rest, my son was born via C-Section. Throughout my hospital bed rest, the doctors of SDN would visit me periodically to provide professional support and to prepare us for the possibility of having our son in the NICU. To our dismay, Andres was born with pre-mature lungs and remained in the NICU for 18 days.
We clearly remember walking into the NICU to meet our son for the first time and receiving a comforting welcome and embrace from the doctors and supportive nurses informing us of Andres’ condition and preparing us for the days ahead. The communication and overwhelming support continued everyday forward until our discharge.
The care Andres received from SDN was top notch. Thanks to this exceptional group of neonatologists we have a healthy, mischievous, sweet little boy who fills our heart with love and brightens up our everyday.
– Jennifer and Carlos Lopez-Gottardi

Dr. Koetzle was more than a doctor during our twin daughters stay at the NICU, he was like family. Our daughters are happy and healthy thanks to the care received from your Neonatologists.
– Mother of twins – Miami, FL
Dear Alex,
Thank you for being so helpful and patient! You educated us so well you made us feel like experienced parents, yet we are rookies. We hope you continue to help parents the way you helped us. We’ve asked Baptist Hospital to recognize you for exceeding expectations!
– Dana and Eric
Dear Dr. Pimentel and Dr. Koetzle and Associates
God bless you all and your families. Michael is doing great thanks to the wonderful care he received from you! Thank you so much, Dr. Pimentel for staying up all night with him! We appreciate it so much!
– Andrea and Felix
Dear All at SDN,
Just a note to say a heartfelt thanks to for saving Alex and Ana and for taking such great care of all of us these past six months. Words cannot express our gratitude.
– Miami Family
Dear Dr. Koetzle,
Thank you so much for answering all of my questions with such patience and understanding. Truly this has been an unforgettable experience. I’ve learned so much and moreover, I have a completely new perspective on my baby’s care. I hope you are in good health and with the fortitude to continue to help others the way you helped me. The tremendous work you do is truly impressive.
– Anahi
Dear Dr. Diaz, Dr. Valdez, Dr. Koetzle, Dr. Costa and Dr. Pimentel,
I am writing this to you three months late but only because it deserved my undivided attention to express my sincere appreciation to all of you. No matter how much time passes, I will never forget the care you gave to my sons Zachary and Oliver and the emotional support you gave my family. Oliver and Zachary were cared for as if they were your only patients. We thank God for your healing hands.
– Mother of Twins
To the SDN Group,
Thank you for he special care you gave Noah. GOD BLESS YOU!
– Candi and Jake
Dear SDN team,
We can’t begin to thank you for all you have done. Your calm, down-to-earth manner and positive attitude made all the difference in our world during such a difficult time. We knew our baby was in the best hands with you and that alone gave us peace.
Thanks once again for making such a difference for us.
– Miami Beach Parents
Dear SDN team,
I was visiting Miami from Venice when I went into labor. My son was born 8 weeks early and your staff was WONDERFUL! They are dedicated, caring professionals who know what it takes to cam very anxious new parents. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done.
– Steve and Stephanie