Jean-Claude MIGNON

“The Parliamentary Assembly was the instigator of many initiatives which have made the Council of Europe what it is today, from the European Convention on Human Rights to the integration of the new democracies in central and eastern Europe as a result of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the establishment of special guest status. It has now initiated a fruitful dialogue with the countries on the southern shore of the Mediterranean by granting “partner for democracy” status to the Moroccan Parliament and the Palestinian National Council.
And above all it is a benchmark for democracy. It helps to ensure that the unacceptable is never accepted, whether the issue being addressed is the persecution of Christians in the Middle East or frozen conflicts.
It is also necessary to be vigilant with regard to the older democracies, as respect for our values can never be taken for granted.
To achieve its objectives, it is vital that the PACE work in close synergy with the other Council of Europe bodies – the Court, the Venice Commission and the Committee for the Prevention of Torture, to name but a few. Together we will be able to strengthen the Council of Europe’s values of tolerance, pluralism, democracy, non-discrimination and religious freedom.”
Deputy in the French National Assembly.
Born on 2 February 1950 in Corbeil-Essones, Essonne, France. Married, two children.
European political duties
- President of the Parliamentary Assembly since January 2012
- Chair of the French Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (2002-2003 and since 2007) and to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Western European Union
- Vice-President of the EPP/CD political group
- Vice-President of PACE since 2007
- Member of both the Bureau and Standing Committee
- Chair of the ad hoc committee for the reform of PACE
- Member of the Political Affairs Committee and its Sub-committee on External relations
- Member of the Monitoring Committee
- Member of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs
- Chair of the Committee on Parliamentary and Public Relations (1999-2000)
- Member of the French Delegation to PACE since 1993
National political duties
- Deputy in the National Assembly (since 1988)
- Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee (since 2008)
- Member of the European Affairs Committee (since 2009)
- Member of the National Defence and Armed Forces Committee (2002-2008)
- Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee (2001-2002)
- Member of the Cultural Affairs Committee (1997-2001)
- Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee (1993-1997)
- Member of the Production and Trade Committee (1988-1993)
- National Secretary of the RPR tasked with relations with the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe (1990-1993)
Local political duties
- Mayor of Dammarie-lès-Lys since 1983
- President of the greater agglomeration of Melun Val-de-Seine (2002-2008)
- Regional Councillor of Ile-de-France (1982-1986)
- General Councillor of the département of Seine et Marne (1982-1995)
- Municipal Councillor of Saint Germain-sur-Ecole (1977-1983)
- Company director