Terrorism: #NoHateNoFear, a PACE initiative

With the Terrorism: #NoHateNoFear initiative, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe wishes to encourage all players in society to stand firm against the terrorist threat by refusing to give in to hatred or fear. Certainly, terrorism must be combated, but this fight must be waged with due regard for the values which unite … Read more

A PACE anti-corruption platform

When is it appropriate for government members, civil servants or parliamentarians to accept gifts? How often are judges offered bribes? When does legitimate lobbying cross the line into undue influence? What role can investigative journalists play in revealing corrupt practices? What should parliaments be doing to root out corruption? Corruption is theft. It also subverts … Read more

Un aperçu

  L’APCE se réunit quatre fois par an à Strasbourg en session plénière d’une semaine. Les 324 représentants et les 324 suppléants sont désignés par les parlements nationaux parmi leurs membres. Chaque parlement envoie, en fonction de la population du pays, une délégation composée de deux à dix-huit représentants qui doit refléter l’équilibre de ses … Read more

Règlement, immunités et affaires institutionnelles Actualités La Commission du Règlement clarifie la liste des “sanctions” possibles en cas de contestation des pouvoirs 10/12/2018 Règlement, immunités et affaires institutionnelles En cas de contestation des pouvoirs d’une délégation nationale, l’Assemblée ne peut pas porter atteinte aux droits de ses membres de prendre part à l’élection de hauts … Read more

Standing Committee: meeting in Paris

The Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly will meet in Paris (Assemblée nationale) on 7 March 2014. Members of the Standing Committee will hold an exchange of views with Ranko Krivokapić, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE. This will be followed by debates on “Migrants and refugees and the fight against AIDS”, “Europe’s … Read more

Ancien président

  Sir Roger Gale Pedro Agramunt a annoncé sa démission en tant que Président de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe (APCE) le 6 octobre 2017. Suite à sa démission, Sir Roger Gale, le doyen des Vice-présidents de l’Assemblée, est devenu automatiquement Président de l’Assemblée par interim. Selon le règlement de l’APCE, il a fait … Read more

Président de l’Assemblée

  Pedro Agramunt “J’ai l’honneur de m’adresser à vous tous en ce moment important de la vie de l’APCE. A l’évidence, la création de l’Assemblée est un élément essentiel du succès du Conseil de l’Europe et de la consécration des principes européens dans les normes juridiques internationales. Cependant, l’APCE fait face actuellement à quatre enjeux … Read more

PACE Standing Committee meets in Sarajevo

The PACE Standing Committee meets in Sarajevo on 22 May, ahead of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s six-month chairmanship of the Council of Europe. The parliamentarians will hold an exchange of views with Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak on his country’s priorities, and are also due to debate children’s rights, the criminalisation of irregular migrants and cultural heritage … Read more

The Europe Prize

  Created by the Parliamentary Assembly in 1955, the Europe Prize is the highest distinction that can be bestowed on a European town for its actions in the European domain. It consists of a trophy, a medal, a diploma and a scholarship to be spent on a study visit within Europe for young people from … Read more

Joint Committee

Did you know? The Joint Committee is the organ of co-ordination of the Council of Europe. Secretariat – 6.229 – +33/3 88.41.2370 Reference texts Resolution (51) 30 C, Statute of the Council of Europe Functioning Terms of reference The functions of the Joint Committee are: to examine the problems which are common to the Committee … Read more

Working structure

Composition and working methods of committees Committees are composed of representatives or substitutes of the Assembly. All committees (with the exception of the Committee on the Honouring of obligations and commitments by member states, known as the Monitoring Committee and the Committee of Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs) have an equal number of … Read more

Election observation

The Assembly was instrumental in introducing institutionalised parliamentary observation of elections in Europe. Its first initiative was monitoring the electoral process of a state in 1974 in the context of the return of Greece to the Council of Europe. Founded on 5 May 1949 by ten states, in 1989 the Organisation had 23 members.  Since … Read more

News 27/04/2016 | NewsThe President expresses concern at the decision to ban the Mejlis of Crimean-Tatar people 18/04/2016 | NewsPACE President, ahead of debates on migration and asylum: ‘They are still dying out there’ 18/04/2016 | NewsPresident Agramunt calls for release of PACE member Nadiya Savchenko more

Working structure

Political groups In order to develop a non-national European outlook, the formation of political groups in the Parliamentary Assembly has been promoted and from 1964 onwards they were granted certain rights within the Rules of Procedure. At present the Assembly counts five political groups: the Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD) ; the Socialist … Read more

The Museum Prize

The Museum of Communication (Bern, Switzerland) wins 2019 Museum Prize Strasbourg, 07.12.2018 – The 2019 Council of Europe Museum Prize has been awarded to the Museum of Communication (Bern, Switzerland). The museum was selected by the Culture Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) at a meeting in Paris today. According … Read more

Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (AS/Jur)

(January 2018) The Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Right promotes the rule of law and defends human rights. It is also responsible for a whole variety of activities that make it, de facto, the Assembly’s legal adviser. The Committee (AS/Jur) comprises 86 members and their alternates. It deals with a wide range of legal … Read more

AS/JUR: Documents and declarations

The committee’s public documents and declarations. Date Document title 1. Information documents 27/10/2017 AS/Jur/Inf (2017) 04 rev. List of reports and opinions of the Committee 2017 – 2006 17/01/2018 AS/Jur/Inf (2018) 01 Work of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (AS/Jur): an overview 02/11/2018 AS/Jur/Inf (2018) 02 rev 5 Work programme 18/01/2018 AS/Jur/Inf … Read more

The Vice-Presidents of the Assembly

Election Twenty Vice-Presidents are elected annually at the beginning of an ordinary session and remain in office until the opening of the next session (but a Vice-President whose delegation is renewed in the course of a session does not remain in office).  The number of Vice-Presidents has been increased on several occasions as the number … Read more

Conference-debate on “Investigative journalism and the role of national parliaments in combating corruption” The conference-debate on “investigative journalism and the role of national parliaments in combating corruption” marked the official launch of the PACE anti-corruption platform, a new forum for dialogue and cooperation on this fundamental threat to European values. The event was opened by … Read more

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