De nombreux parlementaires en Europe sont habilités à visiter des centres de rétention administrative pour migrants en situation irrégulière et demandeurs d’asile au titre de leur mandat national. Une étude menée par l’Assemblée parlementaire a montré que ce droit n’était pas toujours connu ni pleinement exploité par les parlementaires. La Commission des migrations, des réfugiés … Read more

Standing Committee: meeting in Vienna

The meeting of the Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly was held in Vienna at the Austrian Parliament on Friday 22 November 2013 under the Austrian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers. After the opening of the meeting by PACE President Jean-Claude Mignon, the President of the Austrian National Council, Reinhard Todt, gave a welcome … Read more

Election of judges

How are judges of the European Court of Human Rights elected? The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe elects the judges of the European Court of Human Rights, providing them with democratic legitimacy. According to the European Convention on Human Rights, judges must “be of high moral character and possess the qualifications required for … Read more

Standing Committee meets in Paris

Debates on threats to the rule of law in Council of Europe member States, European institutions and human rights in Europe, ensuring comprehensive treatment for children with attention problems, democratic participation for migrant diaspora, and student mobility, featured on the agenda of the Standing Committee (*) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe … Read more

Transparency and integrity at the Assembly

The Assembly has a framework for ensuring the transparency of its work and the accountability and integrity of its members, in place for many years. This was significantly improved in 2017 and is regularly updated, ensuring that members act in line with the highest ethical standards. The Code of Conduct spells out what is expected … Read more

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