Interparliamentary co-operation and external relations
Interparliamentary co-operation
The Pan-European Programme for Inter-Parliamentary Co-operation and Assistance of the Parliamentary Assembly (DEMOPARL) is open to member states as well as to those enjoying special guest status. The programme covers in particular three fields: information and training for parliamentarians and parliamentary staff; multilateral and bilateral co-operation in the legislative field; assistance with documentation and the organisation of meetings.
External relations
External relations of the Assembly cover national parliaments of member states, of non-member states, international parliamentary assemblies and international intergovernmental organisations and are governed by decisions of the Bureau of the Assembly.
Whilst relations with national parliaments are covered by the provisions of membership, special guest or observer status, the PACE has developed its contacts with other international parliamentary assemblies such as the European Parliamen, the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Benelux, the Nordic Council, PABSEC, CIS and others.
For many years the Assembly has also been operational as parliamentary forum for a certain number of intergovernmental organisations, in particular the OECD, and has developed close relations with specific organisations such as the EBRD and many of the specialised agencies of the United Nations.